May. 25th, 2011



Has anyone noticed a fucking creepy redhead wandering the streets with a Doom sign? I swear I see him everywhere.

May. 19th, 2011



[After the conclusion of this - yes, I'm jumping the gun. Shh; I WANT TO GET THE VIKING INTO PLAY.]


May. 13th, 2011



WANTED: Persons under the age of 28 for employment at a lounge-style bar. Seeking bartenders and waitstaff alike. Contact Alaric Ramsfjell at [number] or reply here if interested.

May. 12th, 2011


[phone call to m. moore]

[Tony's comfortably lounging in his jet, enjoying the long flight back from Monaco. A glass of brandy is in his left hand, phone in his right. He sounds only slightly distracted by the in-flight entertainment he made sure to procure before wheels-up.]



[communique to all Agency General Affairs operatives]

a maximum-security message; agency credentials are required to view. sensitive information is enclosed. Read more... )


the new york chronicle, may 12th 2011 )